KDB Business Services- Business Reviews and Tips

Monday, November 28, 2005

I finally got around to getting my site up and running for my business. Research has been done and now products are on display to be purchased. Some are my own and others are from other companies I am affiliated with. I struggled over marketing strategies,finding the perfect keywords,learning how search engines work,email optin lists, payment procedures,etc.etc. It is a learning process that I don't think will ever be complete as long as I aim to stay in business. I would like you to visit my website and see if there might not be something you would be interested in. I am adding new products so you should keep in touch. I have 7 other stories I am presently getting published that will be available for sale in the next month if all goes well. I need some testimonials to add to my site, and am looking forward to my first few received. Come visit me at http://onestopebookshop.ca
Here is an article I found to be perfect timing for me. I was looking for a memorable slogan and then I came across this article. I think it has some key points to help guide you if you are still looking.

Your Business Needs Its Own Memorable Slogan to Make Your Ads, Website and
Yellow Pages Stand Out
Copyright 2005 Off the Page

Your Slogan is the “Headline” for Your Business

Tell people in a short phrase or sentence what you want
them to know or remember about your business. The best ones
conjure up a strong mental image, that will be forever
linked with you in their memories. A little wit, humor,
insight, unusual (yet relevant) spin goes a long way toward
making it stick.

If you don’t stand out during the famous first impression,
(or in a later contact) there won’t be anything for them to
recall later. They’ll draw a blank – which means they don’t
feel any connection to you at all. So few businesses have a
good slogan (also called a tag line), yet it’s an easy way
to distinguish yourself from the rest.

Finding the Phrase that Defines the Enterprise Isn’t Easy –
But is Worth it

Choose one that people will easily relate to and remember.
Don’t make it too long or complicated. And avoid the bland
phrase that’s not unique to your business. Saying, “We aim
to please” could apply to any type of business, and really
doesn’t aim very high.

Imagine a much more potent a phrase like, “On-time Delivery
or It’s Half Price.” That certainly sets you apart from the
competition! People will notice, and they’ll hold you to
it. You can be sure they won’t forget it. Your next
challenge would be to live up to it.

A printer's card showing camels in a row and stating, “We
take the humps out of problems,” emphasized its service
orientation. Notice the words and image reinforce each
other. That’s filed in the brain as an image, rather than
information. Such amusing impressions are much more likely
to be recalled than XYZ Printers.

The Slogan is Your Verbal Logo – Weave the Words and Images

A tagline can be as important as your logo, since it
delivers your most direct message. It should send a
reassuring message that attracts precisely those customers
you can best serve. Weave it into your image (via color or
font) so they appear as a unit. It’s more powerful and
likely to be remembered that way.

Once you adopt one, use it constantly. Put the phrase
everywhere the business name or logo appears.

State your slogan aloud at every opportunity. Have everyone
who works with the enterprise say it in every business
contact, sale, or telephone greeting. And practice saying
it with emphasis and enthusiasm – not just another “have a
nice day” substitute. Ugh!

The up-beat repetition of the words reinforces the message
you want people to recall about your enterprise – with an
emotional charge as well. And it helps for you to take the
words to heart as business policies and decisions are made.
For example, people would note the irony of a slogan
promising good customer services, when they’ve just been
treated poorly.

Kinds of Tag Lines - Statement of purpose, philosophy, or
mission statement - Motto or slogan - Pledge - Policy -
Guarantee - Jingle - Pun, joke, or play on words -
Relevant quote or aphorism - or a takeoff on one

Defining Your Business Slogan is a Rite of Passage

Finding your unique and powerful slogan isn’t easy. It’s
hard to distill a business philosophy or personality into a
single phrase. But it is incredibly potent when it hits the
mark. The public notices those businesses that have pulled
it off in a positive way.

Very few operations have bothered to find an effective
slogan, and it seldom happens until other aspects of the
business “jell.” That’s the true importance of the effort
to find yours.

Businesses that have all their parts working together
communicate to the public in a way that other enterprises
don’t. And one of they things they communicate: “We have
our act together.” You can bet that customers prefer to do
business with those that do.

--Dr. Lynella Grant Consultant and Author - Promote
yourself, business, website, or book with online articles
http://www.promotewitharticles.com Free how-to. Or let me
write and submit your articles online for you. No learning
curves (719) 359-5575

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Lung Cancer

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It always cracks me up when I check my bank account and see my daily deposits from Adsense. .69cents doesn't even seem worth the deposit per day but it all adds up. The more exposure I get the more those cents will turn into dollars. Although I have been a student of business for the last decade I have only recently started my online business so it is all still pretty new to me. I am starting to see why Marketing is a full business course that takes years to learn and implement.
The following article discusses how to use both Adsense and RSS feeds to your full advantage to get the most for your time.

5 Quick Tips On HOW-TO Build Google Adsense Feeder Pages The Search Engines
Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today your in for a real treat. WHY? Because I'm going to
tell you How-To build "Feeder Pages" search engines simply
die for.

And don't worry, these tips won't strain your brain to much
and are very straight forward, even if your New to the
Internet marketing game.

TRAFFIC, as we all know it is the life blood of your
businesses VERY existence online, so wouldn't it be nice if
you could tap into some of that traffic, thats targeted
Search Engine traffic, absolutely FREE Of Charge?

I bet you said YES!

Well... your in luck because that's the sole purpose of a
"Feeder Page".

Now, the question that I found that usually arises with
"Feeder Pages" is How-To build them correctly.

This was the exact question I had myself when I was first
came across this type of website Traffic Generation and is
why I'm writing this article.

So, with that said, I hope by the time you finish reading
this article you'll have a good idea yourself of the steps
neccessary on How-To build quality "Feeder Pages" of your
own that will send you FREE targeted search engine traffic
and generate you some Google Adsense revenue as well.

Lets get started. Go to Tip #1.

Tip #1. Make your "Feeder Pages" theme based.

This is an important tip. You must make your "Feeder Pages"
the same theme as the rest of your website. What I mean by
that is, same template, same navigation, same links,
copyright, etc.

By doing this it won't seem as obvious to your visitor that
its a generated page of some sort and will give you a
better chance of them clicking through to your main sale

Tip #2. Put quality Keyword Rich content on your pages.

This is yet another important tip you must consider and
that is putting quality Keyword Targeted content on your
"Feeder Pages" that targets your audience.


Because you are building these pages for the search engines
and since roughly 85% of Internet surfers use search
engines as their primary tool for locating the information
they're looking for your going to want to have Quality
Content related to your Product or Service waiting for them
to draw them in when they find your link within the search
engine listings.

Tip #3. Add links back to your website or affiliate site.

This next tip is pretty straight forward. All you need to
do is put either a Text Ad(recommended) or some Banner Ads
within the "Feeder Pages" in Highly Visible areas and link
them back to your main website or Affiliate website.

This is the whole purpose of building these pages in the
first place.

Tip #4. Placing your Google Adsense code for $$CASH$$.

Since your doing all this work to generate traffic to your
main website why not profit EVEN MORE by adding 3 blocks of
Google Adsense code to your "Feeder Pages" just in case
your visitor decides not to click through to your website
or affiliate site.

And since your "Feeder Pages" have quality Keyword Targeted
content on them, your Google Adsense Ads will display
targeted ads.

The best places to put your 3 blocks of Google Adsense code
is right at the top under your Header graphic if you have
one. The next best place is in the upper left sidebar. And
the last place is either within the content itself or at
the end of the article.

These positions all depend on how you build your "Feeder
Pages", so make sure you plan out where you want to put
your Google Adsense code in advance for Maximum PROFIT!

Tip #5. Add an RSS feed to your "Feeder Pages".

Okay. Here's the last tip I'm going to share and that is,
add an RSS(Real Simple Syndication) feed to your "Feeder

By doing this you'll be putting your "Feeder Pages" on
Autopilot, 24/7.

Why an RSS feed?

Simple. RSS feeds deliver and syndicate fresh content, so
if you have an RSS feed on your "Feeder Pages" your content
will be updated 'Automatically' which will then trigger the
search engine spiders to schedule routine visits back to
your website for more indexing.

Well... there you have it in a nutshell folks.

If you follow what I have outlined above you'll be on your
way to FREE targeted search engine traffic and Google
Adsense $$PROFITS$$.

These are just some quality tips I wanted to share with you
from my own experience to help you Maximize your efforts if
you decide to use this type of Traffic Generation, and to
also help take away the Trial and Error process.

Below I have furnished a link to some special tools that
you can download and review on your own time so you can see
whats available to you in making your "Feeder Pages" kick
butt in the Search Engines and most important of all, put
MORE cash in your pocket.

Download NOW! ==> http://special-tools.corys-cbmall.com

(Note: This file is zipped. You will need to unzip it using
Win Zip or a related program.)

Want more information on How-To generate UNLIMITED amounts
of FREE search engine traffic? Go search Cory Threlfall's
#1 Rated CBmall that carries over 10,000 of the Internets
BEST Information Products & Software available Online. Go
NOW to ==> http://www.corys-cbmall.com Or... go review his
TOP 10 recommended: http://search-engines.corys-cbmall.com

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Lung Cancer

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Do you know what a Pink Spoon is? I learned that concept today from this article. I do go to all the seminars and workshops I can afford to fit into my schedule but never related to what a Pink Spoon was. I have saved all the business cards I collected and always wondered what to do with them all. Now I realize they can be potential customers, as well as I may need their services in the future.

3 Ways to Increase Your List Numbers from In-Person Events
Copyright 2005 Alicia Forest

Do you often attend in-person events, such as workshops,
networking breakfasts, and seminars, and as you speak with
people you collect a handful of business cards, but then
you don't know what to do with them?

Of course if someone's expressed an interest in your
services, you want to follow up with them, but most people
you talk with at these events may not need your services
RIGHT NOW, yet they very well may in the future.

So how do you make sure you're at their fingertips when
they do need you? Get them on your list! That way you'll
have the opportunity to continue to get in front of them in
a subtle way. Remember, though, never to put anyone on your
list who hasn't give you permission to do so.

Here are three ways to encourage people to get on your list
when you meet them in person, without being pushy:

1. Put your Pink Spoon offering (your freebie product that
draws people into your marketing funnel) information on the
back of your business card, or on whatever other materials
you hand out.

Business cards are the standard pass-around marketing tool
at these kind of events, but if the back of your card is
blank, you're losing valuable real estate. There are
several things you could add to the back of your card, and
one of them is the information for your Pink Spoon.

Write a snappy sentence describing the benefit that the
reader will get if they sign up, along with the website
address of where they can subscribe. For example, on the
back of one of my cards it says, "Want to increase your
income and client base by 20%? Sign up for my FREE ecourse
to show you how at www.clientabundance.com."

2. Email each person whose business card you collected
within a week. Send a brief email to each person you met,
reminding them that they can sign up for your freebie
offering at your website. Make sure you include a live link
to make it super-easy for them to click and sign up.

I sent this note to someone I met at a party recently:

"Dear Christine, It was so great to meet you at Cathy's
party last weekend. I enjoyed swapping the joys and trials
of juggling a business and a family, and I'm really
impressed with all you do having three children under the
age of 6!

I wanted to send you the link to my free ecourse and ezine
that I think would really help you in your marketing of
your business. It's http://www.clientabundance.com.

Keep in touch and let me know if there are other ways I can
help you!

cheers, Alicia"

3. If you're a speaker at the event, or if it's your own
event, have a sign-up sheet for the attendees. At the
beginning and end of your talk, make sure you tell your
audience that they can receive FREE valuable information
from you if they will simply sign-up on the form. Ask them
for their first name and email address, and make note on
the form what it is they will receive.

You can give each person a separate sign-up form or have
one that you pass around for everyone to sign. You can also
pass around a basket or bowl for people to drop their cards
into to win a prize, AND to be put on your list to receive
your Pink Spoon. (Most email list services require anyone
signing up to double opt-in now, so you will be giving them
another opportunity to confim that they do in fact want to
be on your list after you've added them.)

You've probably heard "the fortune is in the follow-up" and
that's exactly what this will do for you. If you collect
their names and email addresses at the event, add them to
your list with their permission, or send them a reminder
email to do it themselves, your Pink Spoon will do the
follow up for you. It will keep you on your prospects'
radar screens so you'll come to mind immediately when they
do need your services. And that's exactly what you want!

Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen & Coach™, &
Founder of http://www.ClientAbundance.com teaches
coaches, consultants, online entrepreneurs and solo
professionals to attract more clients, create profit-making
products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live
the life they desire and deserve.
For FREE tips on how to create your own Client Abundance,
visit http://www.ClientAbundance.com

Are you at stay at home parent looking to make some extra cash? Check out this site for cool ideas.

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Lung Cancer

Monday, November 14, 2005

I am moving from this small town of Belleville, Ontario Canada back to the big city of Toronto where I grew up. Since I am not able to go into the city to look for an apartment due to some commitments I have here for the next 6 weeks I have had to implore some assistance from friends and family, who are themselves busy, to help me locate somewhere for me to dwell when I return.
I am most likely going to be on someone's couch for a week because I can't find someone who can free up the time to assist me. I came across this article and I realized that I am not the only one out there that may be able to use this kind of service.
I have been talking so far to members who have already decided on and set up a home business so far, but I would like to throw in the occaissional article like this one for our new readers who may still be undecided upon the right business idea for themselves.
I don't know if there are any Relocation Consultants in the city of Toronto that I can enlist into my services but I will now be on the hunt for one thanks to this article.

Home Business Start up--Relocation Consultant
Copyright 2005 Shawn Price

The Relocation Consultant Home Business

Vital Information:

• Start-up Investment: $300-$700 (advertising costs)

• Break-even time Two weeks to one year

• Estimate of Annual Revenue and Profit: $15,000-$25,000
Part time $40,000-$50,000 Full Time

Who needs a Relocation Consultant?

• a single parent who has a demanding job with working
hours that directly conflict with apartment or home rental
research, would find the services useful.

• Workers who have been replaced or who are going to
be relocated.

• People who are returning to work from an extended stay
away, due to an injury or illness.

• Companies who are expanding or relocating.

• Companies who have traveling employees.

• People living in heavily populated cities.

What does a Relocation Consultant do?

A Relocation Consultant's duties consists of locating
neighborhoods, apartment and home dwellings, childcare
services, religious organizations and selecting a moving
company for individuals, families, and employees for
relocating businesses.

More specifically, as companies continue to downsize and or
relocate, there's a growing need for the services provided
by a Relocation Consultant.

Often, companies contract with Relocation Consultants so
that the consultant's services are readily accessible in
the event that an employee or numerous employees are

The Relocation Consultant will match an employer or an
employees’, living requirements and requests as closely as

Additionally, a Relocation Consultant's services are
solicited for individual's who are relocating for reasons
other than employment.

Many individual's seek the services of a Relocation
Consultant due to time restrictions which prevent them from
locating desired living arrangements.

Getting started in the Relocation Consultant Business

• Advertising your Business

Run Classified ads and 1-2 inch ads in newspapers and
magazines in both the Metro areas as well as suburban
areas. Good examples are Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, New

Internet Classifieds work well also.

Consider leaving brochures at various Hotels and Motels.

• Tips for running a Successful Relocation Business

One of the keys to success in this business is your ability
to network with others around the country.

Successful Networking will provide you with the ability to
thoroughly examine an area prior to running advertisements.

So...it's important to develop business relations the
country. Of course, the internet and email provide the
perfect vehicle for this type of relationship building.

Understand that your learning curve NEVER ENDS. You will
need to regularly develop your business skills.
Don't be fooled into thinking that "a good product
sells itself.”

"Consumers buy you" is what I used to teach to my

I've listed on my site, a few Home Business Courses to
get you off to a good start.

Don't stop there. Continue to research and develop skill.

For example, I dedicate at least 5 hours weekly toward
increasing my personal business building techniques.

• Visit the Relocation Council.

This Organization has been in operation for a number of
years. They have a Newsletter and other training
materials to help you to develop your skills.

On their site, you'll notice that there is an option to
become Certified. In the event that you decide that you
want to expand your part time business into a full time
career, having employees...you can prepare for your
certification with the Relocation Council also.

erc.org 1-202 - 857- 0857

Note: When you are ready to begin larger ad campaigns,
visit, Standard Rate and Data srds.com SRDS has a
database of media rates for at least 100,000 publications.

The Relocation Consultant Work At Home Business is a very
inexpensive Business to start. It's fairly straight forward
and it has the potential to create a full time income while
working part time. This one is Really worth considering.

• If you decide that this is the Work from Home business
opportunity for you, continue reading our Ezine for
continued Home Business Start-Up's since there will be
ideas and information in each issue that you can tweak a
little to benefit you within your Business of Choice.

To eliminate some trial and error, in our Ezine, also
provide you with ongoing Small Business support…deals on
business tools, marketing research information, and more.

• You will need to create a Business Plan if you are
serious about creating a profitable Home Based Business.

I found a good Business Plan workbook that you will find
quite useful. Writing Business Plans can be frustrating…
I won’t lie. Thus Using a workbook and/or software is by
far the popular choice for those who don’t want to pay
$700-$1,500 to have one professionally prepared.

• Ensure that you take your business to the internet.
I’ve evaluated a few web hosting Companies and I’ve listed
their advantages as well as their disadvantages. You’ll
also find discount computer hardware locations.

You may find that marketing your business using RSS is an
unthinkable opportunity to overlook. You’re right. I’ve
listed free RSS readers and software that you can use
To get your feeds up and going WITHOUT the need of
studying all the techie stuff. Just visit our Resource

If you have not read AND STUDIED, the World's Famous,
"Think And Grow Rich", you can receive it Free:

This is a must read. Creating a proper mind-set is
critical. In addition to your studying your business, you
will need to develop a mind for business.

Wealth is NOT about Money. Download it And see for

Bridging the GAP between Opportunity and Success,


Shawn Price, Author of OwnABizToday's Ezine, due to her
son's severe medical needs was forced to leave the job
market and enter into the world of self employment.
Experience has taught Shawn that one can NEVER predict
future circumstances and thus one should if at all possible
, become financially independent.
In an effort to lead people toward self employment, Shawn
and her partners, regularly evaluate home business start
up's as well as small business resources and tools.
Bridging the GAP between Opportunity and Success
RSS: http://www.ownabiztoday.com
Ezine: subscribe@ownabiztoday.com

Are you at stay at home parent looking to make some extra cash? Check out this site for cool ideas.

Magnificent Money Affiliate Program

Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer

Sunday, November 13, 2005

This following article was an interesting concept for me as well. I like the author, had no idea what Viral Marketing was. Upon reading this article I realized maybe I had been missing out on something I could be using to help promote my business more.
Read the article for yourself and find out.

The Power of Viral Marketing
Copyright 2005 Peter Dobler

When I first heard of the term Viral Marketing I thought
immediately of a virus. No, not the flu, a computer virus.
I avoided viral marketing like the plaque. I’m sure many of
you are doing the same thing. Every email labeled viral
marketing got trashed and I immediately run an anti virus
check on my computer.

It actually took me long time and the convincing words of a
dear friend of mine to change my attitude towards viral
marketing. Call it ignorance, but I just didn’t have the
confidence in something that sounds like it wants to harm

Today my whole world changed and now I’m an active advocate
to promote viral marketing. The concept is not new and it
was created by the brightest minds in the business.

Viral marketing capitalizes in the sharing habits of the
human beings. It’s quite extraordinary. We all tent to
share with friends and family the bargains or freebies we
were able to get. If we can copy the freebie we will do it
and give it to our friends and family. Take the music
industry as an example.

Ok, we established that viral marketing is giving out free
stuff and that this free stuff will be passed around. So
how do you capitalize on something everybody expects to get
for free? You don’t. You just use the freebie as an
advertising vehicle.

See, once you started giving out software or a book for
free, it will snowball from there. Granted that the
software is any good and the book provides some value.
There is no telling on how many copies of your software or
book will float through the internet. The only thing you
now for sure, it takes some time to gain momentum.

Take Hotmail as an example. Hotmail build its empire solely
on viral marketing. Every email you send had a little line
at the end advertising free email from Hotmail. That’s it.
No expensive marketing strategy, no TV ads, nothing but a
little advertising line at the end of every email. It took
years of building momentum, but today Hotmail is a giant
pulling in billions of dollars every year.

I’m not expecting to repeat Hotmail’s success with my
little viral marketing project, but I’m convinced that
sooner or later the profits will come. It is simply a
matter of time. All you need is a good product that you
control and be able to give out for free. Make sure that
you will be able to place your advertising on the front
page of the product.

You can advertise your newsletter, your web site, products
you’re selling, anything you will make a profit if somebody
clicks through the advertising on the freebie. I spare you
with the details why the same ad advertised through viral
marketing is so much more effective than regular

Just one thought. Would you click on a single ad embedded
in a software or book send to you by a friend you trust? Of
course you would. There is nothing suspicious about this.
It’s your friend who recommended this in the first place.
On the other hand nobody actually clicks on advertising
popping up on strange web sites you never heard of before.

Now you see why I like viral marketing so much. Quite
frankly I believe in the future it is the only marketing
that works. SPAM filters and popup blockers already make it
almost impossible to get through to our prospects and it
will not get any better.

Prepare your self for the future and implement viral
marketing today. You will be glad you did.

Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He
is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet
business owner.
Collect more software and bonus content for your own web
site at http://www.peterdobler.com or send a blank email to

Are you at stay at home parent looking to make some extra cash? Check out this site for cool ideas.

Magnificent Money Affiliate Program

Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Last year I worked for a call center troubleshooting printer and computer issues. Then Hewlett-Packard decided they wanted us to add sales to our calls. We were not impressed. For the first few weeks most of us didn't do very well, even with the bosses threatening to fire us for not fulfilling our job requirements.
After awhile we brought in a special instructor to help us generate a sales tactic. Some people benefitted from it and others didn't. What I found was when I fixed an issue successfully, explained the benefits of products that could improve their performance and better their company or personal lives throughout the call, the customer more than often asked if I knew where he/she could purchase such an item for a good price. That was my opening to slide in the fact we had what he needed and I could set him right up at the end of the call. But I didn't push a sale. I didn't even ask if they were interested. I didn't get a sale on very many calls compared to some of my colleagues but the sales I did make usually amounted to enough to keep me on par.
The following article should give you some tips on how to change your selling technique.

The Ultimate Sales Tip - Give Up the Need to Sell
Copyright 2005 Ike Krieger

Most business people will tell you that selling is not
their favorite activity. Let’s explore a way to look at the
process of sales a bit more favorably.

Whether we like it or not---“we’re all in sales”. Most of
us have an internal dialogue about both selling and closing
that is less than positive. Most of us approach the sales
portion of our business hoping we’re not “coming off like a

Most of us hate to be sold to. Most of us have to sell to
live. Most of us realize that in order to keep our business
afloat, we need to sell. I suggest that you give up that
need to sell.

Please notice that I didn’t ask you to give up the
commitment to sell, but rather the need to sell. The
hardest time to do anything is when you need to.

In the revised edition of his book “Man’s Search for
Meaning”, the noted psychiatrist and author Victor Frankl
coined the term “Paradoxical Intentionality”. He defines
“Paradoxical Intentionality” as “The twofold fact that fear
brings about that which one is afraid of, and that
hyper-intention makes impossible that which one wishes.”

In other words, if you need to do something it makes the
task much more difficult. Frankl’s thesis can best be
illustrated by an example with which we all can identify.

The last time you needed to get to sleep because you had
something important to do the next morning… how easy was it
to get to sleep? The last time you needed to stay awake for
the end of a film… how easy was it to stay awake?

So I repeat… give up the need to sell. Be committed 150% to
making the sale but avoid becoming tied to the “outcome” of
making the sale.

This is contrary to what many of us have been taught.
However, if you view yourself as a “problem solver” rather
than a “maker of sales” this concept will make much greater

I define a problem as, “something that exists when there is
a difference between what you have and what you want.” My
definition of business is, “The ability to solve other
people’s problems and get and make a profit.”

Closing is “the ability to create an environment in which
the prospect can come to the conclusion that our product or
service will solve his/her problem.”

Based on these definitions, our job becomes a process in
which we first uncover whether the prospect has the type of
problems our business solves. Next we have to find out if
the prospect truly believes that a problem exists (and it’s
important to let the prospect be the judge.)

If the prospect believes that there is a problem, and that
the problem is likely to cause monetary or emotional
sacrifices, he or she will be more open to having someone
who can be trusted help solve the problem. In other words,
the prospect begins to close the deal.

Your prospect will begin to convince and influence you that
there is a need for your help. He or she will become the
source of the sales presentation and the close. As
backwards sounding as this may seem… it’s really the way it

Because the responsibility of convincing and influencing is
assumed willingly by the prospect nearly all of the stress
and negativity we associate with selling literally

Use this approach to selling and you’ll see a big
difference. Instead of a day filled with trying to sell
things to people, you will get to solve people’s problems.
This is a much more enjoyable way to approach the selling
part of your business.

In summary… give up the need to sell and think of yourself
as a magical problem solver.

Ike Krieger is a speaker, author and mentor. Ike provides
tips, tools, ideas and resources that focus on sales and
business networking success. Ike will help you get in front
of more of your ideal contacts, and then turn your contacts
into contracts...or clients... more easily and more often.™
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