KDB Business Services- Business Reviews and Tips

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Do you know what a Pink Spoon is? I learned that concept today from this article. I do go to all the seminars and workshops I can afford to fit into my schedule but never related to what a Pink Spoon was. I have saved all the business cards I collected and always wondered what to do with them all. Now I realize they can be potential customers, as well as I may need their services in the future.

3 Ways to Increase Your List Numbers from In-Person Events
Copyright 2005 Alicia Forest

Do you often attend in-person events, such as workshops,
networking breakfasts, and seminars, and as you speak with
people you collect a handful of business cards, but then
you don't know what to do with them?

Of course if someone's expressed an interest in your
services, you want to follow up with them, but most people
you talk with at these events may not need your services
RIGHT NOW, yet they very well may in the future.

So how do you make sure you're at their fingertips when
they do need you? Get them on your list! That way you'll
have the opportunity to continue to get in front of them in
a subtle way. Remember, though, never to put anyone on your
list who hasn't give you permission to do so.

Here are three ways to encourage people to get on your list
when you meet them in person, without being pushy:

1. Put your Pink Spoon offering (your freebie product that
draws people into your marketing funnel) information on the
back of your business card, or on whatever other materials
you hand out.

Business cards are the standard pass-around marketing tool
at these kind of events, but if the back of your card is
blank, you're losing valuable real estate. There are
several things you could add to the back of your card, and
one of them is the information for your Pink Spoon.

Write a snappy sentence describing the benefit that the
reader will get if they sign up, along with the website
address of where they can subscribe. For example, on the
back of one of my cards it says, "Want to increase your
income and client base by 20%? Sign up for my FREE ecourse
to show you how at www.clientabundance.com."

2. Email each person whose business card you collected
within a week. Send a brief email to each person you met,
reminding them that they can sign up for your freebie
offering at your website. Make sure you include a live link
to make it super-easy for them to click and sign up.

I sent this note to someone I met at a party recently:

"Dear Christine, It was so great to meet you at Cathy's
party last weekend. I enjoyed swapping the joys and trials
of juggling a business and a family, and I'm really
impressed with all you do having three children under the
age of 6!

I wanted to send you the link to my free ecourse and ezine
that I think would really help you in your marketing of
your business. It's http://www.clientabundance.com.

Keep in touch and let me know if there are other ways I can
help you!

cheers, Alicia"

3. If you're a speaker at the event, or if it's your own
event, have a sign-up sheet for the attendees. At the
beginning and end of your talk, make sure you tell your
audience that they can receive FREE valuable information
from you if they will simply sign-up on the form. Ask them
for their first name and email address, and make note on
the form what it is they will receive.

You can give each person a separate sign-up form or have
one that you pass around for everyone to sign. You can also
pass around a basket or bowl for people to drop their cards
into to win a prize, AND to be put on your list to receive
your Pink Spoon. (Most email list services require anyone
signing up to double opt-in now, so you will be giving them
another opportunity to confim that they do in fact want to
be on your list after you've added them.)

You've probably heard "the fortune is in the follow-up" and
that's exactly what this will do for you. If you collect
their names and email addresses at the event, add them to
your list with their permission, or send them a reminder
email to do it themselves, your Pink Spoon will do the
follow up for you. It will keep you on your prospects'
radar screens so you'll come to mind immediately when they
do need your services. And that's exactly what you want!

Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen & Coachâ„¢, &
Founder of http://www.ClientAbundance.com teaches
coaches, consultants, online entrepreneurs and solo
professionals to attract more clients, create profit-making
products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live
the life they desire and deserve.
For FREE tips on how to create your own Client Abundance,
visit http://www.ClientAbundance.com

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  • Hi kadebescorner, well you know we humans always start doing things on one topic and later found ourselves doing something else, this is always what happened to me. I started looking for something on how make money 2 hours ago however have found my seself looking at all different topics, of course including your site this post. I thought what the hell since I'm here already might as well just leave a few words. Ok I'll go on to search for how make money related stuff again and hopefully it'll take me longer than last time to lose my concentration. cheers!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:56 a.m.  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:36 a.m.  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:12 a.m.  

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