KDB Business Services- Business Reviews and Tips

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Todays subject, product development. What makes a good product? Why does one product sell better than another one when they both appear to have the same features? Is it the advertising promotions? Is it the cost detail? Or is it the life time warranty offered?
It could be any or all of those things combined. But an excellent end result starts with the perfectly laid out and thoroughly thought out preplan.
Would you purchase a house just based on a designers colourful spiel and a picture of the completed project? No. You would demand a complete layout of the electrical, plumbing, foundation structure, materials being used, support beam alliance, etc.
You would call in the professionals to verify all regulations were being met, and that all inspections would pass. Nothing left to chance. You don't want to worry or wonder about anything, after all this is your dream house! In order to give complete confidence in their abilities, the developers know this and would most likely have everything available for you. That's good business.
The same goes for your product. You need to have a solid well developed design. The following article should give you some pointers to verify that you are on the right track to providing the best business you can.

Master The First Step Of Successful Product Development:
Copyright 2005 Coco Fossland

Ready to create and launch an information product that will
have a indelibly positive affect on your business? ...a
product that brings you recurring passive revenue,
pronounces you as an expert in your field, and produces a
lower entry product to get prospects into your marketing

If you are, then put on your seatbelt, because you're in
for the ride of your life! A ride that can be exciting,
empowering, exhilarating, and life-changing!

The first step of any successful product creation, and
often the step forgotten and minimized, is the step of
creating a well thought out Product Definition Blueprint.

A Product Definition Blueprint describes in detail, what
your product is, what it does, and who it's for. It tells
you what your product is, and what it is not.

A well written Product Definition Blueprint offers several
key benefits:

First, it helps you stay focused, on track, and committed
to a clear, tangible goal. Without clear boundaries about
what your product is and what ultimate benefit it provides
customers, you might get stuck in the trap many first-time
product producers fall into... the trap of never
completing... It only makes sense that if you don't know
what you're completing up front, how do you know when
you've finished it??

Second, it enables you to effectively describe your product
to others. Chances are, when launching a new product, you
will enroll the help or support of others during the
process. Whether you decide to get input from experts,
enlist a sales copywriter, or hire a web designer, having a
clear, concise description of what your product is, what it
does, and who it's for will make enrolling the support of
others seamless.

Third, it lays the foundation for excellent marketing
messaging. If you begin product development with a well
defined audience and a specific ultimate benefit, you've
made marketing a cinch! So often inexperienced product
developers build a product first and then find an audience
later. This can lead to having a product that no one
really wants to buy. However, by considering your audience
from the get-go, you can deliver the message and value
throughout the product development process. At the end,
building your marketing materials is an easy, seamless

To build your own Product Definition Blueprint, answer the
following twelve questions:

1. Name five reasons you would like to create an
information product.

2. What subject(s) would you like to explore in your new
information product? List 5 possible subjects.

3. What solutions or benefits could you provide to your
audience in an information product format? List at least
10 possible solutions and benefits.

4. If you could only create one information product in the
next 4 months, which one would be most exciting and
rewarding for you to produce?

6. Who is your target audience? Who is your audio product
for? Describe them in as much detail as possible.
Describe their demographics, psychographics, interests,
career, hobby, gender, marital status, etc.

7. What needs does your target audience have, that your
product could in some way solve? Why do they need your
product now?

8. What ultimate benefit or result will your information
product deliver to your target audience?

9. What will your customer expect from this product?

10. In what format would you like to deliver your
information product? Downloadable PDF files, downloadable
mp3/wma files, software system, online accessible webpage,
physical CD's, workbooks, special tools, reports, eMail
delivery of content, other?

11. What is the name of your product?

12. By when will your product be complete?

Now that you've answered the twelve questions and built
your Product Definition Blueprint, take a moment and feel
the excitement of knowing that you have taken the first big
step in bringing to life your information product!! Let
yourself taste all the success, fulfillment, and
possibility that will come right along with it!

With her primary mission being to facilitate and guide
individuals in sharing their gifts with the world, author
of the forthcoming book, The Power of Trust: Trust
Yourself, Transform Your World, Coco Fossland coaches and
consults clientele who are passionate about creating
world-changing businesses. After years of working in a
corporate setting, providing strategy and technology
consulting for large multi-national businesses, Coco craved
the opportunity to build something authentic. Coco Fossland
successfully founded a business that blends Fortune 500
best practices with a spiritually conscious approach. While
this concept may confuse some people, Coco Fossland Inc.
masters the art of balancing these two often opposing
ideals in the business world, graciously assisting quality,
spiritually-conscious businesses that make our world a
better place to live.

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